Production of bulk glass bodies that facilitate processing of rock and concrete

Lasers, bulk glass
Information no
Appeal point
Methods for manufacturing bulk glass bodies that facilitate cutting, drilling and surface treatment of rock and concrete materials
When concrete or rock containing silica components is irradiated with a laser, the silica components in the irradiated area melt and vitrify, facilitating rock cutting, drilling and surface treatment of concrete materials and the formation of a solid, heat-insulating and sound-insulating surface. The present invention is a method for producing such bulk glass bodies, comprising
(1) a method for producing a glass bulk body by vitrifying the surface of an aggregate of sand grains, rock or concrete; and
(2) the sand grain aggregate, rock and concrete contain a silica (SiO2) component; and
3) the surface is irradiated with a laser at a fixed point to form a molten zone, and
(4) a second process in which the laser irradiation position is moved at a scanning speed at which the molten zone continuously expands to form a glass layer; and
(5) the first process and the second process are carried out in succession.
The glass bulk body 2 in the figure has a base material part 4 made of sand grain aggregates, rock or concrete, and a glass layer 6. The base material part and the glass layer are continuously integrated through a boundary region with bubbles 8, so that density differences and physical properties differences between the glass layer and the base material part are relaxed and the bond is strong.
Schematic image
Civil engineering, building construction
Relational patent
Item name
Bulk glass body production methods
Joint applicant
Hirotec Corporation
Public number
Filing date
Hide Sakaguchi
Yosuke Kawahito
Yuzuru Yamamoto
Osamu Kuwano