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FORA-WNP30 was produced by using MRI Multivariate Ocean Variational Estimation system, version of 4-dimensional variational method (MOVE-4DVAR; Usui et al. 2015), the data assimilation system developed by the JMA/MRI. MOVE-4DVAR uses MRI.COM-WNP (Tsujino et al. 2006), eddy-resolving ocean model for Western North Pacific developed by JMA/MRI, as the forward model of ocean and sea ice.

The settings of the assimilation system are as follows:

Ocean and sea ice model
Domain: 117°E-160°W, 15°N-65°N
Horizontal resolution: 1/10° (1/6° east of 160°E) longitude × 1/10° (1/6° north of 50°N) latitude
Number of vertical levels: 54 levels (0-6300m)
Assimilation method
Ocean: 4-dimensional variational method
Sea ice: objective analysis by minimum variance estimation and nudging
Assimilation cycle: 3 cycles in a month (day 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to the end of month in each month), sea ice is nudeged to the daily analysis.
Assimilated observation
In situ temperature and salinity profiles from WOD2013 and GTSPP (0-1500m)
Gridded SST made by merging satellite and in situ observations (MGDSST; Kurihara et al., 2006 [in Japanese])
SLA by satellites (TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1/2, ERS-1/2, Envisat, GFO, Cryosat)
SSM/I sea ice concentration data
Atmospheric forcing
daily-mean of JRA-55 (Kobayashi et al., 2015)
Analysis period
Jan. 1, 1982 to Dec. 31, 2016
Data format
NetCDF (based on CF-convention v1.6)
Variable name Dimension Standard name*1 Units*2
uo 3 sea_water_eastward_velocity cm s-1
vo 3 sea_water_northward_velocity cm s-1
to 3 sea_water_potential_temperature degreeC
so 3 sea_water_practical_salinity psu
ht 2 sea_surface_height_above_sea_level cm
aice 2 sea_ice_area_fraction 1

*1: Standard name of each variable is based on CF Standard Names.
*2: Please refer to the variable attributes (units, scale_factor, add_offset) for detailed information in the data files.
