JAMSTEC E-library of Deep-sea Images(J-EDI)
SHINKAI 6500 Dive 1154
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No.2 CAMERA: 3h 57min 57s
02:06Descending01:20Landing03:53Observing00:42Rock/Gravel, Sampling03:3000:25Holothuroidea09:2300:18Traces27:1309:1400:37Holothuroidea (Swimming) 05:1700:57Hollow/Pockmarks08:1600:37Rock/Gravel, Sampling23:0700:39Rock/Gravel, Sampling24:1402:3002:00Rock/Gravel, Sampling30:0023:5630:0600:49Rock/Gravel, Sampling07:1701:18Ascidiacea15:53Sampling Work00:43Leaving the bottom01:36Ascending
Start 08:53
End 17:00
Dive Data
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Dive Information
Dive Date (LST): 2009/05/31
Dive Area:
Ogasawara ridge
Imagery reproduced from
GEBCO_2020 Grid, GEBCO Compilation Group (2020) GEBCO 2020 Grid (doi:10.5285/a29c5465-b138-234d-e053-6c86abc040b9)
GSHHG, Version 2.3.7, www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhg/
Dive Point (representative):
Latitude [°]:28.45170
Longitude [°]:142.78000
Depth [m]:5,720
Dive Purpose:
Dive Data
Dive Data
2D Track

Time Series of Depth