Plankton image dataset from a cabled observatory system (JEDI System/OCEANS) deployed at coastal area of Oshima island, Tokyo, Japan
To understand multiscale process of planktonic ecosystem in the Kuroshio, a cabled observatory system (JEDI-System/OCEANS) was developed and deployed at a coastal area (20 m depth) of Oshima Island,Tokyo, Japan, during 2014 to 2016 (Yamazaki et al., 2016). The observatory system can measure environmental parameters such as temperature and salinity, and take microscopic plankton images continuously. In this dataset, planktonic images obtained by the system were identified using machine learning with the validation process and compiled into DarwinCore occurrence records. All biological images and measured environmental parameters were archived at JST NBDC ( H. Yamazaki, S. Gallager, M. Tanaka and K. Yamaguchi, "A cabled observatory system for integrated long term, high-frequency biological, chemical, physical measurement for understanding planktonic ecosystem," 2016 Techno-Ocean (Techno-Ocean), 2016, pp. 429-434, doi: 10.1109/Techno-Ocean.2016.7890692.
Yamazaki, H. (2022) Plankton image dataset from a cabled observatory system (JEDI System/OCEANS) deployed at coastal area of Oshima island, Tokyo, Japan. Available at Accessed on yyyy-mm-dd.
Information on literature which is important for understanding data, such as literature which became the basis of the data set, is displayed.
H. Yamazaki, S. Gallager, M. Tanaka and K. Yamaguchi, "A cabled observatory system for integrated long term, high-frequency biological, chemical, physical measurement for understanding planktonic ecosystem," 2016 Techno-Ocean (Techno-Ocean), 2016, pp. 429-434, doi: 10.1109/Techno-Ocean.2016.7890692.
Hidekatsu YamasakiResource Contact, Resource Creator, Metadata Provider
Organization: Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyPhone: Address: 4-5-7 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo 108-8477 JapanHome Page: Email:
Datasets and providers
Occurrence records
Occurrence records →
Number of record
Record acquisition period
2014/10/01 ~ 2016/01/31
* Date last modified : 2023/03/27
Record acquisition range
34.682718 ~ 34.682718
139.444779 ~ 139.444779
20 ~ 20 m
[Registered taxon]
Number of taxonomy
Number of specimen
Taxon level lower than family :1 %
Taxon level lower than species :1 %
Scientific name list
Displayed result