Classification :
Eukarya - Opisthokonta - Animalia - Cnidaria - Medusozoa - Hydrozoa - Trachylina - Trachymedusae - Ptychogastriidae - Ptychogastria
Ptychogastria polaris Allman, 1878
Occurrence records
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Occurrence records
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■ Record acquisition rangeWith latitude and longitude information:100%
37.128200 ~ 43.591700
137.159800 ~ 144.175000
234.00 ~ 1245.00 m
■ Record acquisition periodWith period:100%
1999/08/18 ~ 2012/03/10
* Date last modified:2023/11/27
■ Number of record18  
[Environment data]
Over view
Ptychogastria polaris is a cold-water hydrozoan medusa showing bipolar distribution. Although it occurs in the temperate Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the medusa was recorded only in deep shelf waters with stable low temperatures in temperate zones (Panteleeva et al., 1999). The bell of live medusae is hemispherical, and reaches approximately 3 cm in diameter. The stomach with bright-pink coloration consists of eight lobes along the radial canals, and eight pairs of white gonads are situated above the stomach lobes and along their sides. There are two kinds of the solid tentacles distributed along the bell margin: longer extensible filiform tentacles and shorter suckered ones. The species is often found sitting on muddy bottoms or attaching to rock surfaces by using suckered tentacles (Stuebing & Piepenburg, 1998; Panteleeva et al., 1999).
Ptychogastria polaris Allman, 1878 of literature
Bouillon, J., Gravili, C., Pages, F., Gili, J.-M. and F. Boero (2006) An introduction to Hydrozoa. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle Tome 194, Publications Scientifiques du Museum, Paris, 591 pp.
Fujikura, K., Okutani, T. and T. Maruyama (2012) Deep-sea life —Biological observations using research submersibles: Second Edition. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, Japan, 487 pp. (in Japanese).
Kubota, S. and C. Gravili(2007) A list of hydromedusae (excluding Siphonophora, Milleporidae and Actinulidae) in Japan. Nanki Seibutu, 49(2), 189-204 (in Japanese).
Panteleeva, N. N., Frolova, E. A. and O. V. Sheiko (1999) New records of the benthic medusa Ptychogastria polaris Allman, 1878 (Trachylida, Hydroidea) in the Barents Sea and off the Kurile Islands (Pacific Ocean). Polar Biology 22: 372-378.
Stuebing, D. and D. Piepenburg (1998) Occurrence of the benthic trachymedusa Ptychogastria polaris Allman, 1878 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) off Northeast Greenland and in the northern Barents Sea. Polar Biology 19: 193-197.
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