Classification :
Eukarya - Opisthokonta - Animalia - Chordata - Vertebrata - Gnathostomata - Pisciformes - Chondrichthyes - Elasmobranchii - Batidoidimorpha - Rajiformes - Arhynchobatidae - Bathyraja
Bathyraja abyssicola (Gilbert, 1896)
Occurrence records
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Occurrence records
Occurrence records →
■ Record acquisition rangeWith latitude and longitude information:100%
34.906670 ~ 34.906670
139.266670 ~ 139.266670
1236.000 ~ 1237.000 m
■ Record acquisition periodWith period:100%
1985/06/11 ~ 1985/06/11
* Date last modified:2021/09/21
■ Number of record1  
■ Number of record* Including records registered with synonym
[Environment data]
Over view
The deep-sea skate, Bathyraja abyssicola, is a large-sized species with a maximum total length of about 1.2 m (Ishihara & Ishiyama, 1985). The inverse heart-shaped disc (main part of the animal) bears one or three median nuchal thorns. There is no scapular thorn on shoulders of the disc. The tails bears 25-31 median thorns. Both sides (ventral and dorsal) of the disc and tail are armed with minute fine prickles. This species occurs widely from the Pacific coasts of North America to the Pacific coast of northern Japan at depths from 362-2,906 m (Ishihara & Ishiyama, 1985; Hatooka et al., 2000). The record at the depth of 2,906 is the deepest catch of any skate or ray (Grey, 1956).
Bathyraja abyssicola (Gilbert, 1896) of literature
Fujikura, K., Okutani, T. and T. Maruyama (2012) Deep-sea life —Biological observations using research submersibles: Second Edition. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, Japan, 487 pp. (in Japanese).
Gilbert, C. H. (1896) The ichthyological collections of the steamer Albatross during the years 1890 and 1891. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report of the Commissioner, 19, 393-476.
Grey, M. (1956) The distribution of fishes found below a depth of 2000 meters. Chicago Natural History Museum, 36(2), 37-337.
Hatooka, K., Yamada, U. and M. Aizawa (2000) Rajidae. In: Nakabo, T. (ed.), Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, second edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 164-174, 1446-1448 (in Japanese).
Ishihara, H. and R. Ishiyama (1985) Two new North Pacific skates (Rajidae) and a revised key to Bathyraja in the Area. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 32(2), 143-179.
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