Dataset list
Occurrence records
Dataset name
Number of recordNumber of specimenWith acquisition periodWith latitude and longitude information
A Record of the Intertidal Malacofauna of Cape Bansho, Wakayama, Japan, from 1985 to 2010Seto Marine Biological Laboratory434,542239100%100%
Asia-Pacific DatasetS9-558,2574,30697%93%
Cetacean Stranding Data in HokkaidoSNHJ1,28625100%100%
CMarZ (Census of Marine Zooplankton)-Asia DatabaseHokkaido2,851147100%100%
Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring in the Tsugaru strait side of ShimokitaJAMSTEC4728100%100%
Crabs from the Philippines and ThailandKW12054100%100%
Crabs from Vietnam and IndonesiaKW27485100%100%
Data on coral species occurrences in Japan since 1929NIES29,864482100%100%
Decline in the Acropora population due to repeated moderate disturbances in Okinotorishima Island, JapanUniv_Tokyo3404100%100%
Distribution of Stylaraea punctata (Linnaeus, 1758) in Okinawa Island, Japanecho301100%100%
Diversity and community structure of pelagic cnidarians in south-east Asian tropical marginal SeasOIST1,01087100%100%
E-library of Deep-sea Images, JAMSTECJAMSTEC49,61835099%99%
Effects of temperature and red tides on sea urchin abundance and species richness over 45 years in southern JapanSeto Marine Biological Laboratory4808100%100%
Endangered Species Listed in the Toba city Marine Red Data Book 2023toba74635267%91%
Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on 16S rRNA geneJAMSTEC4,5445100%100%
Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on 18S rRNA geneJAMSTEC1,26422100%100%
Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on 18S rRNA gene obtained from the 2022 cruiseJAMSTEC1,37221100%100%
Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on megafauna occurrenceJAMSTEC977,0084100%100%
Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on megafauna occurrence obtained from the 2022 cruiseJAMSTEC110,2204100%100%
Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on physicochemical parameters and meiofauna communityJAMSTEC960100%100%
Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on physicochemical parameters and meiofauna community obtained from the 2022 cruiseJAMSTEC2520100%100%
Fish Collection of Hokkaido UniversityHUMZ64,0101,66995%2%
Fish collection of National Museum of Nature and ScienceNSMT108,7754,10194%22%
Fixed Point Survey for Shorebirds of the family Scolopacidae and CharadriidaeBDCJ79,7456898%97%
FRA-PLANKTON DATASETFRA1,069,323301100%99%
Image collection in the Coral Reef Network WEB System: A snapshot of the fauna and flora around the coral reefs of the Ryukyu Islands from 2002 to 2013JAMSTEC1,153366100%100%
Image dataset of ophiuroid and other deep sea benthic organisms in 2015 extracted from the survey off Sanriku, Japan, by the research following the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011JAMSTEC2,8304100%100%
Invertebrate collection of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyoto UniversitySMBL31419271%0%
JODC DatasetJODC291,512971100%100%
Kelp DatasetS9-527,18961199%96%
Large benthic foraminifers around Japanese IslandsUniv_Ryukyus1,7461178%99%
Marine benthic animal data along Yokohama City Coastyokohama_esri5,561206100%100%
Marine Biological Sample Database, JAMSTECJAMSTEC33,74175699%98%
Marine decapod crustaceans of the San'in DistrictEsReC30699100%100%
Marine Invertebrata specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natutal HistoryOMNH12,3371,73397%59%
Metabarcoding data set at the Iheya-Minor Ridge in the Sakai hydrothermal vent fieldJAMSTEC1,6900100%100%
Monitoring of deep-sea fish diversity using environmental DNA metabarcoding of pumped deep-sea water in Sagami and Suruga Bays, JapanJAMSTEC4832100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, Akkeshi Marine Station, Hokkaido UniversityAkkeshi Marine Station, Hokkaido University380100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, Department of Nematology, IEBR, VietnamDepartment of Nematology, IEBR, Vietnam1220100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, Institute of Oceanography, VietnamInstitute of Oceanography, Vietnam703100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, Marine and Coastal Resources Research CenterMarine and Coastal Resources Research Center14812100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, MarineBio Lab, UP Visayas, NaGISAMarineBio Lab, UP Visayas64057100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, MarineBio Lab, UP Visayas, Solar I Benthos ProjectMarineBio Lab, UP Visayas11412100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, Seto Marine Biological LaboratorySeto Marine Biological Laboratory1,681179100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, NaGISA- FilesSeto Marine Biological Laboratory9216100%100%
Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) Dataset, Universiti Sains Malaysia, PenangUniversiti Sains Malaysia, Penang231391%100%
Occurrence data of seagrasses in Southeast Asia extracted from literatureS9-53,1481842%100%
Occurrence dataset of demersal fish and benthic organisms in the deep-sea off the northeastern coast of Japan, recorded by ROV after the 2011 Earthquake off the Pacific coast of TohokuJAMSTEC22,06360100%100%
Organisms observed during the Shipboard Oceanographic Laboratory 3, Department of Marine Biology, Tokai UniversityTokai_Univ_KB2,01849100%100%
Plankton image dataset from a cabled observatory system (JEDI System/OCEANS) deployed at coastal area of Oshima island, Tokyo, JapanTUMSAT320,6471100%100%
Project for Reef Fish MonitoringPRFM690109100%100%
Regionally Integrated Marine Database (RINKAI), managed by JAMBIO, an association of Japanese university-based marine stationsjambio42027199%99%
Rocky shore macrobiota of southeastern Osaka Bay: Results of surveysOKKJP109,545871100%100%
Scleractinia specimens of Kuroshio Biological Research FoundationBIK31515599%100%
Shallow-water fauna of Sagami BayDISBL5958100%100%
Simultaneous surveys of littoral organisms in Osaka BayOBERLC36741100%100%
Simultaneous surveys of littoral organisms in Osaka Bay in 2024OBERLC48641100%100%
Species list recorded by baited cameras at deep sea area in JapanJAMSTEC36328100%100%
Specimen collection of Japanese mud shrimp (Upogebia major) in JapanNIES531100%100%
Sponge collection of National Museum of Nature and ScienceNSMT2,98936514%0%
Survey data of algal beds on the Monitoring sites 1000 project, BDCJBDCJ4,451165100%100%
Survey data of rocky shores on the Monitoring sites 1000 project, BDCJBDCJ8,24714100%100%
Survey data of seagrass beds on the Monitoring sites 1000 project, BDCJBDCJ190,56615100%99%
Survey data of tidal flats on the Monitoring sites 1000 project, BDCJBDCJ9,204284100%100%
The 24th field study tour in Sesoko, Okinawa - a citizen science, observations of invertebratesRIMI7960100%100%
The entire coast survey of Hatakejima Islands from 1983Seto Marine Biological Laboratory18,49084100%100%
The south coast survey of Hatakejima Islands from 1969Seto Marine Biological Laboratory4,264320100%100%