Classification :
Eukarya - Opisthokonta - Animalia - Arthropoda - Crustacea - Malacostraca - Eumalacostraca - Eucarida - Decapoda - Pleocyemata - Anomura - Lithodoidea - Lithodidae - Paralomis
Paralomis verrilli (Benedict, 1895)
Occurrence records
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Occurrence records
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■ Record acquisition rangeWith latitude and longitude information:100%
24.853600 ~ 34.73054667
123.839200 ~ 138.5842867
988.00 ~ 2496.1 m
■ Record acquisition periodWith period:100%
2000/05/26 ~ 2022/12/11
* Date last modified:2023/11/27
■ Number of record14  
■ Number of record* Including records registered with synonym
[Environment data]
Over view
Paralomis verrilli has been recorded from off California to Alaska, USA, the Bering Sea and the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Okinawa, Japan (Sakai, 1971; Wicksten, 1989; Hendrickx & Harvey, 1999). The carapace is pentagonal, wider than long and with numerous small, rounded granules of variable sizes on dorsal surface. Walking legs are moderately long and bearing a row of well-developed spines on dorsal margins and two rows of short spines on ventral margins. Paralomis verrilli is not specific to chemosynthetic communities but abundantly observed around hydrothermal vent fields in Hatoma Knoll, Okinawa Trough (Watabe & Miyake, 2000).
Paralomis verrilli (Benedict, 1895) of literature
Benedict, J. E. (1895) Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross". No. XXXI. Descriptions of new genera and species of crabs of the family Lithodidae, with notes on the young of Lithodes camtschaticus and Lithodes brevipes. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 17, 479-488.
Fujikura, K., Okutani, T. and T. Maruyama (2012) Deep-sea life —Biological observations using research submersibles: Second Edition. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, Japan, 487 pp. (in Japanese).
Hendrickx, M. E. and A. W. Harvey (1999) Checklist of anomuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Belgian Journal of Zoology 129: 363-389.
Ikeda, H. (1998) The deep-sea crabs of Sagami Bay. Hayama Shiosai Museum, Kanagawa. 180 pp. (in Japanese).
McLaughlin, P. A., Komai, T., Lemaitre, R. and D. L. Rahayu (2010) Annotated checklist of anomuran decapod crustaceans of the world (exclusive of the Kiwaoidea and families Chirostylidae and Galatheidae of the Galatheoidea). Part I-Lithodoidea, Lomisoidea and Paguroidea. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplements 23, 5-107.
Miyake, S. (1982) Japanese crustacean decapods and stomatopods in color, Vol. I. Macrura, Anomura and Stomatopoda. Hoikusha, Osaka, 261pp. (in Japanese).
Sakai, T. (1971) Illustrations of 15 species of crabs of the family Lithodidae, two of which are new to science. Researches on Crustacea, 4/5, 1-49.
Takeda, M. (1997) Deep-sea Decapod Crustacean Fauna of Suruga Bay, Central Japan. National Science Museum Monographs, Tokyo 12: 229-255.
Watabe, H. and H. Miyake (2000) Decapod fauna of the hydrothermally active and adjacent fields on the Hatoma Knoll, southern Japan. JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, 17, 29-34 (in Japanese).
Wicksten, M. K. (1989) Ranges of offshore decapod crustaceans in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 21: 291-316.
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