For surface flow direction flow rate data file

Surface flow direction flow rate data that can be downloaded from this site is a file in text format. Data file is as follows.

< File name >

Value Meaning
morsets_TOTL_MUTU Fixed prefix
YYYY Data acquisition year (2014 - )
MM Data acquisition month (01 - 12)
DD Data acquisition date (01 - 31)
hhmm Data acquisition hour (0000 - 2359)
tuv Extension

< Header section >

%DataQuality: Data quality
Value Meaning
Probable Outliers in the data does not exist
Questionable There is a value that seems abnormal to data
%QuestionableSource: Station there is a data error of suspicion
Value Meaning
  • n = 1 Esan
  • n = 2 Ohata
  • n = 3 Iwaya
Station there is a data error of suspicion
None Anomaly is not observed data in three stations both
Unknown Is unknown data quality of the local station
%TimeStamp: Date and time
YYYY MM DD  hh mm ss
(Example) 2014 04 01  00 00 00
%TimeZone: Time zone
[Value: Fixed] The +9 hours Asia / Tokyo time on the basis of the UTC
"UTC+9" +9.000 0 0 "Asia/Tokyo"
%Origin: Reference position
[Value: Fixed] Latitude and longitude of the reference position of the data
41.6737833 141.3629500
%GreatCircle: Positioning system
[Value: Fixed] Datum equatorial circumference flat rate of data
"WGS84" 6378137.000  298.257223562997

<Data section: Each item in the separator is a multiple of consecutive spaces>

Longitude (deg)
Longitude (A positive number indicates the east longitude) Unit: Angle
Latitude (deg)
Latitude (A positive number indicates the north latitude) Unit: Angle
U comp (cm/s)
East direction of flow velocity (U value) Unit: cm/sec
V comp (cm/s)
North direction of flow velocity (V value) Unit: cm/sec
VectorFlag (GridCode)
Vector indicator flag
Value Meaning
+1 For invalid grid points, it is not the data output
+2 Lattice point is close to the coastline
+4 Including observation grid points is one point, such as ADCP
+16 It is a result that has been interpolated across the baseline
+32 Flow velocity vector is greater than the maximum flow rate limit
+128 Vector is outside the observed range (only used for line-of-sight direction data)
+256 Synthetic vector is not obtained a sufficient angular resolution from the line of sight method of data
+512 Vector is hidden and should not be normally displayed
+2048 Vector is interpolated
+4096 Since the vector is a questionable quality, not normally be used (displayed)
U StdDev Quality
The quality factor of the U value (standard deviation)
*999.000 indicate that it has not been calculated
V StdDev Quality
V value quality factor of the (standard deviation)
*999.000 indicate that it has not been calculated
Covariance Quality
Covariance of the vector
*999.000 indicate that it has not been calculated
X Distance (km)
Distance to the east direction from the reference position Unit: km
Y Distance (km)
Distance to the north direction from the reference position Unit: km
*Negative flow rate indicates the flow direction change of 180 degrees
Range (km)
Distance from the reference position Unit: km
Bearing (True)
Angle from the reference position Unit: Angle
Velocity (cm/s)
Flow speed (flow rate) Unit: cm/sec
Direction (True)
Flow direction (flow direction) Unit: Angle
*Clockwise from the north direction
Site Contributors #n
Number of vector from each site
  • n = 1 Esan
  • n = 2 Ohata
  • n = 3 Iwaya
Data quality flag
Value Meaning
T It exceeds the upper limit value set flow rate (flow velocity)
H The data is not displayed in Fig.