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Biological Information System for Marine LifeBiological Information System for Marine Life

Biological Information System for Marine Life
The dataset of "Fish Collection of Hokkaido University" has been published on BISMaL.
This dataset is based on fish specimens deposited in Hokkaido University, Japan.
New data (90 records) have been added to the dataset "Marine Biological Sample Database, JAMSTEC".
This dataset contains data of biological samples which were collected during scientific missions of JAMSTEC ships (NATSUSHIMA, KAIYO, YOKOSUKA, KAIREI and MIRAI) and submersibles.
The dataset of "Cetacean Stranding Data in Hokkaido" has been published on BISMaL.
This dataset is based on cetacean stranding information collected by the Stranding Network Hokkaido (SNH) since 2007.
New data (12,060 records) have been added to the dataset "Rocky shore macrobiota of southeastern Osaka Bay: Results of surveys". These data originates from the surveys conducted from 1986 to 1990.
The dataset of "Endangered Species Listed in the Toba city Marine Red Data Book 2023" has been published on BISMaL.
This dataset is based on the Red Data Book listing 429 endangered marine species inhabiting the coastal and estuarine areas around Toba City.
Learn more about the dataset, here (in Japanese).
Access the data, here.
BISMaL data at a glance
Number of registered taxon on BISMaL
Last Updated:2025/01/18
Total number of registered taxon:41,732
taxon with occurrence record(s):16,304
taxon with no occurrence record(s):25,428
Number of occurrences records in kingdom Animalia
Last Updated:2024/12/12
Number of occurrence records:3,821,942
Last Updated:2024/04/01
Data Map
Total of 3,821,942 records in BISMaL (April 1, 2024).
In FY2023, nine new datasets were published in BISMaL:
- Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on megafauna occurrence obtained from the 2022 cruise.
- Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on 18S rRNA gene obtained from the 2022 cruise.
- Environmental baseline data in abyssal plain off Minami Torishima based on physicochemical parameters and meiofauna community obtained from the 2022 cruise.
- Large benthic foraminifers around Japanese Islands.
- Marine decapod crustaceans of the San'in District.
- Decline in the Acropora population due to repeated moderate disturbances in Okinotorishima Island, Japan.
- Marine benthic animal data along Yokohama City Coast.
- Simultaneous surveys of littoral organisms in Osaka Bay.
- Specimen collection of Japanese mud shrimp (Upogebia major) in Japan.